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McCain Fries

are made with

potatoes grown

Using regenerative



Let’s  dig in!

Here's what you need to know about our dedication to the journey from farm to plate!

McCain, in partnership with key stakeholders, has developed six key principles of regenerative agriculture that can be applied to the farming of potatoes

how do

we do it?

Click to explore our 6 regen agriculture principles and the associated indicators that help monitor progress

Ensure farm resilience

The goal of McCain’s regenerative agriculture practices is to ensure farm resilience, meaning a farm’s ability to cope with environmental and financial shocks. Each of our 7 indicators help us measure the progress towards building farm resilience.

Minimize soil disturbance

We encourage farmers to keep intensive tillage to a minimum across the rotation cycle. The more soil is disturbed, the more it loses its structure and the harder it becomes for underground life to thrive.

We were able to reduce tillage events at the Farm of the Future in North America by preparing fields for potatoes the fall before. We have also tried to reduce compaction by limiting where heavy machinery travels on the field.

Armour soils, preferably with living plants

We encourage the strengthening or ‘armouring’ of soil with living plants called ‘cover crops’. Over time, armouring the soil aims to prevent erosion from wind and rain, and stop soils from drying out.

The potato fields on the Farm of the Future in North America stay armoured for more than 170 days of the year by growing a diversity of cover crops.

Integrate organic and livestock elements

By focusing on increasing organic matter, over time, farms aim to promote soil fertility and resilience, as well as increase soil infiltration and water holding capacity. Regular soil health assessments are key to track any improvements.

At the Farm of the Future in North America, we annually monitor improvements against a 1000+ soil sample baseline.

Reduce agro-chemical impact & optimize water use

Pesticides can have a detrimental effect on biodiversity. We want to reduce risks of crop protection products and promote soil biodiversity which may over time enable the natural function of soil, such as the ability to fight pests and diseases.

On our Farm of the Future in North America, we have been able to use fewer, less harmful products with well-timed application.

Enhance crop and ecosystem diversity

We encourage diversity both on and around the farm ecosystem. While bringing more life to the soil in the form of worms and insects may over time help the spread of nutrients on the farm, natural habitats around the farm aim to support insects that can benefit the crop over time.

More than a quarter of the Farm of the Future in North America is dedicated to natural habitat, such as hedgerows and forested areas.

Explore our

New AR Game

that lets YOU become a farmer of the future.




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You can project the game wherever you choose using Augmented Reality.

Once you’ve placed your Farm of the Future, you’ll get an overview of how to farm your potatoes the regenerative way!

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for Prizes!

Play ‘Farms of the Future’ for a chance to win exclusive prizes like limited edition merch and a grand prize getaway!

Simply enter your score onto the leaderboard to be in with a chance of winning some cool McCain swag. Whichever player creates the most delicious fries, the regen way wins!

Dig in live!

We’ll be in Manhattan, London and many other cities where you can immerse yourself in our digital experiences inspired by Regen Farming.

And yes, there will be

Free Fries!

Deeper Digging

Go behind the scenes to see how we produced this film in the most sustainable way!

Time To Eat!

Give them a try

For a limited time only, McCain ReGen Extra Crispy Fries are available in your favorite groceries across the Northeast.

Keep Digging

& discover other regenerative agriculture intiatives at McCain

Give your ears a treat with our Hot Potatoes Podcast!

McCain x Soil Health Institute


In North America, McCain has partnered with the Soil Health Institute on regenerative agriculture education for farmers.

The Soil Health Institute is a global non-profit with a mission to safeguard and enhance the vitality and productivity of soil through scientific research and advancement.

Since 2021, McCain and the Soil Health Institute have partnered to deliver regenerative agriculture and soil health education, including listening sessions, field days, the launch of a regenerative agriculture peer network, and ongoing farmer office hours.

Dig in to support this work: